An interior shot of a home office. In the background is a couch, floor lamp and a large potted plant. The foreground focus is a chair and a desk on which sits a tablet, mobile phone, laptop, cup of tea, notebook and a small potted plant

Recent ATO Updates

2. Don’t Lodge EarlyThe Australian Taxation Office is warning taxpayers against rushing to lodge their tax returns on 1 July. The ATO said those who lodge in early July are twice as likely to make a mistake in their tax return than those who wait for pre-fill information to populate, an issue that is particularly relevant if you receive…

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Three young adults sit at a table together in a bistro setting, beer glasses in hand

Fringe Benefits Tax Returns

A reminder that if you have employees (including yourself as a company director/ secretary, if applicable) and you provide motor vehicles, car parking, entertainment including food and drinks, employee discounts, loans, phone and/or internet access, or the reimbursement of private expenses, then you are likely to be providing a fringe benefit and will need to…

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Various drinks on table

Returning JobKeeper, FBT and Covid Vaccinations and the workplace

FBT 2021: Tax & Employee Benefits Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is one of Australia’s most disliked taxes because it’s cumbersome, expensive and generates a lot of paperwork. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 lockdowns we’ve endured have added another layer of complexity as many work patterns and behaviours have changed. As we’ve previously discussed, a fringe benefit is…

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