Man wearing overalls and holding paint roller standing in front of a green wall with the word HELP painted on it in white paint

Director ID Troubleshooting

A huge thank you to those of you who have already attempted to apply for your Director IDs and given us feedback on your experience. It’s helpful to know what’s working and what isn’t so we can hopefully help others avoid running into similar roadblocks.  When it comes to verifying your ATO-related details, here are…

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Mature lady sitting at a table in front of a laptop writing in a notebook

Director Identification Numbers

As of the 1st of November 2021, if you are a director of a company, including one serving as a corporate trustee of a trust or a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) – or if you are intending on becoming a company director – you must apply for a Director Identification Number (Director ID).  What are…

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